Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long should I take rest after cataract surgery?

    Rest for a minimum of two to three days. You're free to resume simple activities like reading, writing, and walking as soon as you feel up to it. Check with your doctor for any specific advice for you.

  • Do I need to rest after laser treatment?

    Yes, you should take rest after laser treatment. It is important that you protect your eye for the day. Your vision is likely to be hazy.

  • Do I have to wear power glasses throughout my lifetime, once tested for myopia?

    Yes, glasses need to be worn all the time. Contact lenses or laser correction of Myopia can be done.

  • How often should seniors above 65 do eye checkups?

    Those aged 65 or above should have an eye checkup done once every 12 months

  • Can myopia be cured permanently by wearing glasses?

    Although eyeglasses and contact lenses help correct vision, they do not cure myopia.

  • I use glasses, will my child inherit that need?

    Possibly. Your children may require glasses if both biological parents wear them.

  • Can glaucoma lead to blindness?

    Yes, if left undetected and untreated glaucoma may result in blindness.

  • Can cataracts be removed with lasers?

    There is no laser currently in use that removes cataracts

  • Will looking straight at the sun damage my eyesight?

    It will distort your vision temporarily, it can even cause permanent eye damage.

  • Will eating carrots help me to maintain healthy vision?

    Carrots give a little quantity of vitamin A, which is required for excellent vision.